Wednesday, April 18, 2012

NOA 11th Annual Convention

NOA 11th Annual Convention and General Meeting, May 27, 2012

Dear NOA friends, families, and well wishers,
Jwojalapa! NOA's 11th Annual Convention and General Meeting is just 2 months away! We hope you’ve marked your calendar to join NOA on Sunday, May 27, 2012 for this great event. We will be gathering at Eastern Middle School in Silver Spring, MD, and wanted to share more information as the big day approaches.

First, NOA is thrilled to announce that our Invited Chief Guest and Keynote Speaker is 92-year-old living legend, Chancellor of Nepal Bhasa Academy, and winner of 3 Madan Puraskar, the honorable Dr. Satya Mohan Joshi. Don’t miss this rare and exciting opportunity to hear from an amazing Newah scholar and writer! Dr. Joshi will be joined by other excellent presenters on this year’s convention theme, Newars Today: Where We Are. We will of course have our fantastic annual culture show, Nepal Mandala: Arts and Crafts exhibition, and delicious same bajee and dinner. And this year we are pleased to add a special program just for kids. Here’s a quick look at the details:

NOA 11th Annual Convention and General Meeting:
Venue: Eastern Middle School, 300 University Blvd., Silver Spring, Maryland 20901
Date: Sunday, May 27, 2012
Time: 2:00 PM–10:00 PM
Theme: Newars Today: Where We Are
Tickets: $30 at door; $25 in advance
Laskus magazine: NOA is still accepting submissions for its annual publication, Laskus. Articles, announcements, and advertising should be sent to or no later than April 15, 2012.
Sponsorships and donations: NOA welcomes contributions from any individual or company wanting to sponsor planned programs. All donations to NOA are tax deductible; please or for more information.
Again, don’t forget to mark your calendars—come spend Sunday, May 27th with NOA members, friends, families, and supporters! Thank you for your continued support, and please forward this announcement! Visit for updates, and don’t hesitate to contact any of us with questions or ideas, or to volunteer.
We hope to see you there!
The Executive Committee
Newah Organization of America (NOA)
Season Shrestha: 410-404-5388/
Birendra Pradhan: 347-400-4173/
Ravi Pradhan: 443-604-0478/
Babita Shrestha: 703-477-6920/
Mahindra Pradhan: 301-821-2796/
Ram Lal Shrestha: 240-581-0078/
Pushkar Prajapati: 703-270-8456/
Bishomver Pradhan: 443-839-520/
Rajesh Lal Shrestha: 301-905-7348/

It’s been seven long years since Nepal’s pop diva, Sarishma Amatya left her native homeland  for the States. After a lengthy hiatus and subsequently laying low from the media spotlight, the queen bee of Nepali Pop music is back  with her third brand spankin’ new album “Passion” released by Rise Music. With her third album released recently, we met up with the lady herself to find out what she’s been up to during her years in hiding. 

Tell us briefly how you ended up migrating to the States?
Well my husband (singer Sanjeev Pradhan) and I went to the U.S to participate in a show for two to  three months. After it being a success everyone there suggested that we apply for green card. So we took the chance and in less than three months we were granted green card. 

You’ve basically disappeared for seven years. Why did you take such a long time to come back to Nepal?
(Laughs) Yeah, last time I came to Nepal was back in 2005. The reason why it’s been such a long time since we came back is because my husband and I have our own handicraft business in Baltimore, and due to the family business we couldn’t manage to come sooner than we hoped. 

Was it difficult for you to adjust life in U.S after having struck fame in Nepal, and then having to leave all of that and start over as an immigrant in a foreign country?
(Laughs) Yes it was a little difficult the first few years. You know, in the first year being in the U.S, I had to work as a manager in a local Indian clothing store. This was my struggling period, as I struggled like any new immigrant would. But soon with hard work and persistence my husband and I opened our own business. 

Tell us a little bit about your album Passion.Passion is my third album, it’s been seven years in the making. Passion contains total of thirteen songs. One of the notable featured song in the album is “Timro Maya” which has been aired on national TV and is directed by Pranab Joshi. I’ve also added some of my old hits such as “Nidharma Tika”, “Kina Timi”, “Dhuk Dhuk Garne”, and “Ma Timilai Maya”. I’m also planning on launching this album in the U.S market once I’m back in the states. 

Did you continue singing in the U.S or was your singing career dormant?Music will never die in me as I will always pursue my career as a singer where ever I may be. Back in the U.S there were always Nepali associations which organized programs and shows and my husband and I would volunteer to perform for them. While in the U.S we also had the opportunity to go abroad to places like U.K to do shows. 

Did you find any differences in the Nepali community in U.S compared to the one here?No, not really. The Nepalese in America are very much into keeping their culture and tradition alive. They are very friendly like the Nepalese  here, so no I don’t think they are any different than here. I find Nepalese American to be most friendly because they are far away from their country. When you are so far away, you become very friendly and very hospitable when you come across people from your motherland. 

Since you and your husband both are singers, do you feel like sometimes there’s  rivalry between you two?No never! Sanjeev and I have a very good understanding about this. I’m not jealous of him, nor is he jealous of me. We don’t feel that we need to compete with each other in a way that leads to jealousy. I always wish for his success and I’m also at the same time getting his full support.

Monday, April 16, 2012

काठमाडौँको न्युरोडमा आज दिउँसो तमाशेहरुको ठूलो भीड लाग्यो। पिपलबोटको ठ्याक्क अगाडि पुरानो रन्जना हल जाने गल्लीको मुखैमा रहेको घर हेर्न मान्छेहरुको भीड जम्मा भएको रहेछ। भीडले गर्दा ट्राफिक जाम भइसकेको थियो। भीड भन्थ्यो- भूतले मान्छे पिट्यो रे। कोही कोही ऊ ऊ छायाँ देखियो भन्थे। कोही भूतले पिटेर मान्छे उडेर खस्यो भन्थे, कोही के! ट्विटर हुँदै टेलिभिजनहरुम समाचार आउन थालिसकेको थियो। भूत आतङ्क पो मच्चिएको थियो त्यहाँ। खासमा के रहेछ त कुरा 

कुरा एभिन्युज टेलिभिजनसँग जोडिएको थियो। त्यसैले त्यहाँका साथीलाई सोधेँ। अनि पो बल्ल कुरा थाहा भयो। खासमा भएको चैँ के रहेछ भने न्युरोडको एउटा घरमा भूत छ भन्ने कुरा सुनिएकोले यस विषयमा एउटा रिपोर्ट बनाउने कुरा भएछ एभिन्युजको वास्तुविज्ञान कार्यक्रमका लागि। वास्तु नमिलेकोले पो त्यसो भएको हो कि भनेर रिपोर्ट बनाउन लागेका रहेछन्। त्यसका लागि एभिन्युजका क्यामेराम्यान बासु सत्याल र वास्तुशास्त्री त्यो घरमा पुगेर भिडियो खिच्न थालेका रहेछन्।
भिडियो खिच्दाखिच्दै भूतले मान्छे समात्यो रे, पिट्यो रे भनेर हल्ला फैलन थालेछ। हल्ला एक कान दुई कान मैदान हुँदैहुँदै थाम्नै नसक्ने भीड जम्मा भएछ। एभिन्युजका साथी भन्छन्- कसैलाई पिट्या छैन, कोही घाइते भा छैन। मान्छे भीड भएर प्रहरीले लाठिचार्ज गरेर घाइते भएको भए थाहा छैन। नत्र कसैलाई केही भाको छैन।